Sunday, February 20, 2011

NY Times: Today’s Lab Rats of Obesity: Furry Couch Potatoes

Published: February 19, 2011

Laboratory tests are now being done on monkeys to study the "twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes" and to test new drugs aiming at treating those conditions. Some of these monkeys are kept individually in cages for months and even up to a year and are allowed to eat as much as they want -- meant to mimic humans who are lazy and eat high fat foods with no exercise. These monkeys gain up to and sometimes even more than two times their normal weight. Once some of these monkeys die from these conditions, their brains and pancreases are examined. Mice, I understand being used for testing... granted, many time they do not mimic human reactions, but, putting innocent monkeys through this testing seems inhumane, and in my opinion, too harsh. Humans have caused themselves to become overweight... nobody and nothing else. If the monkeys weren't kept in small cages alone, and were allowed to roam free in some manner, it might lighten the situation. Although I fully understand that science, experimentation, and studies are necessary to improve our human race, I don't exactly agree with this "furry coach potato" imitation study with monkeys. Poor monkeys :(

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