Thursday, February 24, 2011

American Craft Council Show: Myung Urso

I'm estaticcc to be working the ACC on Friday and Sunday with Myung Urso! (Thanks to my friend, Kelsey, who is working there right now!) Her "assistant" cancelled last minute so I luckily get to fill in :) Yay!

I took a look at her work -- her recent work consists mostly of one of a kind jewelry pieces made of metal and other mediums and fibers incorporated... her "imagination transforms itself from memories and personal stories." I was just discussing today during my critique for my neck piece that I'm interested in incorporating fiber into my design (perhaps wool?)which is also based off of a memory and person story. I'm sure I could gain a lot of inspiration, tips, and trips from Myung! ACC and NYC in one weekend?! It's going to be a good one :) P.S. I found out we're going to Droog (in addition to MOMA and the Museum of Art and Design), I can't wait!

Some of Myung's work and info from her website :

I'm in love.


Myung Urso was born in South Korea. Her studies include a BA degree in Biology, an
MFA degree in fiber arts from Hongik University, Seoul, Korea in 1986 and an MA degree
for Museum & Gallery Management from the City University in London, England in 1995.

Professionally Myung Urso began her artistic career as a fiber artist, from 1988 to 1993 she worked as an editor and reporter at the Monthly Art & Craft magazine (Design-House Ltd.),Seoul Korea. Myung spent five years in London England where she studied Museum and Gallery Management at the City University and worked for the Visiting Arts division in British Council Headquarters in London. In 1997 she returned to South Korea where she began to work as a curator. In 1998 she opened ‘Hand and Mind’ contemporary craft gallery/store and a craft store located in Seoul, which operated through 2005.
As a curator and art director Myung Urso organized more than 50 contemporary crafts
exhibitions throughout South Korea and in the countries of France, the United Kingdom
and the United States. Myung has served as a juror for numerous crafts competitions and
as an advisor for the Korean Ministry of Culture & Tourism, the Korea National Museum
Foundation, and the Korea Craft Promotion Foundation, etc. In addition Myung Urso was
a lecturer at several universities such as Duksung Univ., Kookmin University and
Sookmyung Univ. within South Korea. Currently Myung works as an art jeweler creating unique one of kind fashion art forms.

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