Sunday, February 20, 2011

NY Times: Lawsuit Says the Military Is Rife With Sexual Abuse

Published: February 16, 2011

As designers, social issues are extremely important to be aware of -- so much of what we do and create influence and impact others. Social issues are always going to have some kind of an affect on us, and as long as they do, we should be aware of what is going on around us... if not just for the awareness, then for the influence that many of our designs may cast.

"You should not have to be subjected to being raped or sexually assaulted because you volunteered to serve this nation" ... or for any reason at all for that matter. Seventeen plantiffs are filing a federal lawsuit against the Department of Defense for being sexually assaulted and sexually harrassed by federal military personnel while serving duty. I think this is absolutely and completely outrageous, despicable, and unacceptable in every aspect. As if the world doesn't have enough hate and crime, our military is supposed to be made up of those who have nobly volunteered their lives to protecting our nation and the families and loved ones in it. To hear that they are abusing and harrassing one another, when they are supposed to be standing side by side as one is disgusting. The fact that women in the military are being sexually assaulted by their fellow male counterparts is terrible ... they are trying to help in protecting our country, not to be tortured by "their own kind." I really hope something is done in creating a safer environment in the military regarding this issue. The article discusses on providing more education and better practices, but I don't know how much this would help. I think drastic measures should be taken on this issue, which most definitely is not a light one. Not to be pessimistic, but I guess there really is corruption everywhere. It's like a disease. I hope my children are able to grow up in a society far from the one we live in.

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