Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blood Diamonds

When I think of Blood Diamonds, I mainly seem to think of the wasted, barren, empty, dark, and dirty land and lives that suffer so terribly from mining of the blood diamonds. For my Blood Diamonds project, I have created designs that interpret this idea as well as more literal designs. These are based around the veins of the enslaved minors who are abused, mutilated, and murdered all for diamonds to fall into the hands of naive consumers to satisfy their materialistic desires. Whichever direction I choose to take, my pieces will be wearable, which I think appropriate to the issue -- taking form as either a series of brooches or a large, uncomfortable ring/"handpiece."

A good article on Conflict Diamonds from Ethical Metalsmiths webpage:

"There is a great power when a community discovers what it cares deeply about." --Rev. Dr. Steven Koski

An interesting and informative article I found on Eco-Jewelry:
"Glamorous gems, shiny silver, glitzy gold—how can we feel free to flash these around when so many bear the mark of harm to humanity and our planet? Fortunately for us, today there are many ethical and ecologically responsible alternatives to jewelry that is sourced in destructive and unsustainable ways." Awesome!

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