Sunday, February 20, 2011


Hello all! :)
I'm back in action this semester and I'm taking a casting class! I am a complete amateur when it comes to anything regarding metalsmithing in the form of casting. However, I am extremely excited to learn all the different techniques and methods that this process entails! Just by doing the cuttlefish casting sample, I can't wait to get my hands on wax to start really learning lost wax casting. A classmate ordered some supplies in bulk from Rio Grande so everything would be cheaper, so I'm still waiting to get all of that, hopefully tomorrow in class! We have already dove into our first two projects both using lost wax casting. Our first project, "Skeleton to Skin," explores the transition from a skeletal form to a solid form, one asymmetrical and one symemetrical, totaling eight pieces. Although they don't have to be wearable, I intend to make mine wearable, probably in a brooch form. Our second project is based on Blood Diamonds, interpreting our view on the issue, in any form from any direction. After a lot of research and sketching, I have come up with several solid ideas for this project as well. I think this is going to be a really good semester, not to mention a lot of work, but I am definitely looking forward to broadening my "horizons" with metalwork!
Cheers to a great semester! :)

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