Monday, May 9, 2011

NY Times: Now, to Find a Parking Spot, Drivers Look on Their Phones

Published: May 7, 2011

San Francisco has found a solution to the outrageous traffic congestion due to drivers having to drive around for so long looking for an available parking spot — something that as we all know is entirely frustrating to the person looking for the spot and for those waiting behind the people who continue to look for a parking spot. A phone application for "spot-seekers" that displays information about areas with available spaces is a new solution to this issue! The system, introduced last month, relies on wireless sensors embedded in streets and city garages that can tell within seconds if a spot has opened up. HOW COOL!!! Hopefully this doesn't distract drivers even more, though, causing accidents, etc. as they continuously look at their phone to find a parking location. I guess it's the same thing as using a GPS, but a little more like dangerous texting. Still, I think it's awesome! Yay for not driving around forever hoping you'll find a spot right around the corner, but knowing you probably won't! :) I'm waiting to see how successful it turns out to be, and whether or not it will spread to other cities and states!

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