Monday, May 9, 2011

NY Times: Justice Dept. to Continue Policy Against Same-Sex Marriage

Published: May 8, 2011

"Gay rights advocates have asked the administration to postpone all deportations for same-sex married couples until the courts decide whether the marriage act is constitutional. Under immigration law, an American citizen can petition for legal residency for a spouse, if the spouse is not the same sex."

HOW IS THIS NOT CONSTITUTIONAL!?! If two gay people get legally married in a state that same-sex marriage is legal, how in the world can somebody try to say that it is not constitutional under immigration law? Legal under one law but not the other - how does that make any kind of sense? Our government needs to get their act together. As to same-sex marriage in general, I think people should be able to marry whoever they want, regardless of sex. Nobody should ever have a barrier stopping them from being with who they love and want to be with.

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