Friday, April 15, 2011

Senior Exhibition Gallery Opening!

Ah the show was definitely a success and although I was admittedly nervous beforehand, people liked my pieces and I'm definitely proud of myself to have completed such a difficult project... the true purpose of it, to help me through my grieving and healing process, was fulfilled. I don't know how but I am now able to talk about my feelings in regards to my brother passing, I now know it is okay to cry and let people see my fragile weak side, and I am now able to get out of bed every morning with much more ease, much more desire, and genuinely smile, and laugh. I know some days will still be harder than others, but thanks to my amazing support system of my great family, phenomenal friends, and very supportive, understanding teachers, I am working through it all, in positive and healthy way. Taking on this project was in no regards easy for anyone -- in class critiques were extremely difficult for me, and this was not a good project in regards to accepting criticism from classmates to further and better my work. But, regardless, I am so happy that I took on and completed this series of work... I couldn't have done it without all of the supportive people in my life, or Jan Baum, the head of my department, advisor, and teacher, for allowing me to do this project on my own terms in my own way, for letting me sit and talk with her as cried, and giving me the push that I needed, recognizing the importance of this project in helping me work through my deep, buried emotions. So thank you to every single person who helped in any way... no piece of advice, shoulder, or guidance goes unappreciated! Here are pictures from opening night of my neckpiece and stained glass. I also did a painting which was not in the show.

Tribute to Grievance, Brass, dye-oxide patina, 2011

Road to Recovery, Stained glass, 2011

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