Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tribute to Grievance

Tribute to Grievance, neckpiece, brass, dye-oxide patina.
Photography by Patrick Prather.

Myung & I!

NY Times: Dangerous Levels of Radioactive Isotope Found 25 Miles From Nuclear Plant

Published March 30, 2011

"A long-lasting radioactive element has been measured at levels that pose a long-term danger at one spot 25 miles from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, raising questions about whether Japan’s evacuation zone should be expanded and even whether the land might need to be abandoned."

There have been high levels of radiation detected in Japan after the tsunami hit, disrupting nuclear plants. "While the amount measured would not pose an immediate danger, the annual dose would be too high to allow people to keep living there." I am literally speechless in regards to this situation, and my heart is broken for those over there right now. People are concerned for the minute traces of radiation detected in our waters and milk here in the United States, etc, which while this absolutely should be monitored, it is in no way measurable compared to what the people living in Japan are experiencing right now.